Four psychotic llamas on a mission...Welcome to the lives of Citron, Accre, Flipper, and the Other One (our code names). Our mission: to brighten the faces of every little boy and girl with whimsical nonsense drawn in chalk.
Flipper here. (Well the other llamas are here too, but Flipper's writing. Also, the Other One re-arranged the photos which took him almost half an hour, so good job to him on that. :D)
So the 4 llamas had a very...interesting mission today. Don't get me wrong- it was very fun! We had a great time eating gelato, playing hide and go seek in the park, and feasting on 7-11 food. Oh, and we wrote random things on sidewalks. Very random things. We were being a bit insane in the park, hehe ;)
Fuel for the day:The Other One's Pepsi and Flipper's Cappucino gelato.
It says "Shady"....
Crayons are toxic! (well, they are!)
Right Hee-a!
This video goes with the picture above it.
"You pigeons have nothing on me!"
Accre drew a foot. So we put our feet in the picture. (from left): Flipper (my shoes are best!), The Other One, Citron (hmm...possibly competition), and Accre's crappy sneakers.
Accre and the Other One with the Bucket O' Chalk! ;)
All of us trying to say 'Accre"!
The Other One reaches for the stars.
Accre looks like Michael Jackson.
High School Musical Jump (no we do not like that movie): Citron
Flipper: Starfish incognito
Some weird drawing by Accre. "Halp."
"On that day I shall futterwacker VIGOROUSLY."
On the left it says "Adios!" sideways and on the right it says "Welcome!" sideways. the Other One drew this on a sidewalk square at the entrance/exit to a public park by the library.
What can we say? We like the Beatles. (this was written by the Other One)
ACTUAL QUOTE: "I'm just gonna sit up here all day and sing Christmas Carols!" -Other One
Citron, the Other One, and Accre walking down the street.
"Peace. Love. Hipster music."
Water = chalk's worst enemy!
Our primary caffeine source, as well as Starbucks :)
OK, so the Other One wrote "Secret Message: This way!" on a busy street corner and drew a bunch of arrows down the block. The final message at the end was "Secret Message: Hi! -Llama"
Another arrow.
the Other One writing the 'secret message'.
"Secret Message: Hi! -Llama"
And more. ;)
And again, more.
(Don't you just love our facial expressions?)
Blue block with Citron's shoe.
Aaah! Fuzzy bike seat!
(we saw this bike next to our's.)
It's a long story... but you have time, right?
Our friend didn't invite Citron to his Bar Mitzvah. I mean, it was not really a huge deal. But we were joking around, so we wrote that she died instead. :)
Still part of the Bar Mitzvah incident.
Although you probably can't tell, it says "Moo Moo Cow Moo"
A cool spider web by Cheney Mansion! :O
7-11 feast in Cheney Mansion backyard.
More of our feast: watermelon rings, cheese puffs, nutter butters, lunchables, Dr. Pepper, Swedish Fish, and Ritz crackers.
Flipper with our feast.
the Other One laughing manically. Flipper caught it on video!
and check out our new profile picture. sadly i (flipper) am not in because i was taking it...just imagine the weird looks we got...highschool musical jumping (yes, i just did make that a verb) incessantly in the middle of the park...
and check out our new profile picture. sadly i (flipper) am not in because i was taking it...just imagine the weird looks we got...highschool musical jumping (yes, i just did make that a verb) incessantly in the middle of the park...